online referral system
Welcome to the Smokers' Helpline Online Referral System
This system provides a simple tool that healthcare providers (and others in the community) can use to connect individuals who smoke with Helpline services. We invite healthcare providers, employers, teachers and others working in the area of health promotion to proceed with entering the contact information for the individual you are referring.
When you submit a referral it will also be necessary to enter your contact information as well. We encourage you to create a Referral Account and this will save time since you will not be required to enter all of the required contact information each time you refer.
- Enter the contact information for your patient/client.
- It will also be necessary to indicate your name and contact information so the Smokers’ Helpline can identify where the referral is coming from.
- Once you are registered, you may log-in to the system which allows you to skip a step.
- You won’t have to enter your contact information each time you submit a referral.
- Register and create a referral account.
- This makes it easier when you make referrals in the future. You won’t have to enter your contact information each time.
Increase awareness of services available
Studies show that about 70% of smokers express that they want to quit.
Recommended by Clinical Practice Guidelines
These guidelines are based on a compilation of available evidence, this demonstrates the efficacy and the value of the quitline service.
Designed to be easy-to-use and requires minimal time (takes just 1-2 minutes)
Easily offer evidence-based tobacco dependence treatment through a brief intervention.
Connects individual directly with services
An individual is much more likely to connect with the quitline when a direct referral is made (online or fax) compared to if you simply provide a pamphlet or if you simply encourage them to call themselves.
Helps more people quit
Increases the number of individuals in our province who are enrolling in effective quitline services to help them successfully quit.
Integrate within existing technology
Promotes the use of technology to improve healthcare delivery (consider integrating the Online Referral within your health system through creating a link to the online system)
Supports overall healthy living
Incorporates smoking cessation into routine healthcare delivery, and extends the scope and quality of care for one of the preventable forms of health risk behaviours.
Builds on the treatment, information, guidance and support that you are already providing
Provides opportunity for system change to improve effectiveness, removing time and resource barriers
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If you have any issues, concerns or feedback about the Online Referral System then please let us know. Call 1-800-363-5864 or email